Saturday, March 05, 2005

Jump and Berm

Today was an early morning build session and ride with Rob. We rebuilt a small jump on Snakes and ladders that had not worked out the way we wanted when we first built it. The new version of the jump worked out perfectly.

We then went to work on a berm that will lead into a cool jump section that we plan on making. We each took turns filling the bucket with dirt and throwing it on the berm. When it is done this new bermed corner will work out really well for this section of trail. We were able to completely fill the berm with dirt and rock and after a few weeks of settling we should be able to shape it perfectly so that we can rail it to the jump we plan on making.

After working all morning we decided that we would push back up the trail and ride Snakes and Ladders then Hoots and upper Shotgun.

We got allot of work done today and were bagged when we got down to the cars.