Saturday, October 04, 2008

Finally Some Help

For a while now I have kind of been bitching about the lack of commitment and help from people in regards to maintaining trails at The Woodlot. The existing group of people is getting thin and we have not quite been able to keep up with the needs of the trails. This winter WAS looking kind of bleak, but there seems to be some interest from a few people and some new blood is getting injected into our beloved trail system.

Today I took one of the new interests on a tour of The Lot. On the way up we talked about the existing trails, his previous experience and what his visions are of what needs to be done on the trails. It turns out he has been riding at The Woodlot for quite some time, but for the most part has only ridden a handful of trails. Today I took him on likely the oldest trail at The Woodlot.....Krazy Karpenter, which he had never ridden before.

This past week, Tim had done a fair amount of work on Karpenter. Nearly everything that was rotten and or broken was shut down and or torn out. I cannot promise the exact timeline, but everything that gets torn out will be rebuilt. On the way down, I showed our new guy some of the old school features and what we would like to do in different spots on the trail. He has the spark in his eye needed to work on trails. Hopefully this works out.

We then hit Tsuga for a nice rip on the natural side of things, and then made our way to Snakes and Ladders. We stopped in spots to discuss things and I cleared some drains in preparation for the winter rains. Overall, we had a good ride and he rode the new ending to Snakes and Ladders for the first time every today. Amazingly he has ridden past it for a year and never noticed it.

On Shotgun we played a little cat and mouse and were out to the cars in no time.

I have a good feeling that things will work out and we will have some new blood helping on the trails. There are still others that have shown interest and the more the merrier I say.

Things are looking up.

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